Offering to help, MajorTom, KidChaor, ChaotiKween, and PeytonicMaster are given special BattleGear from Ulmar. KidChaor manages to convince MajorTom to start off by getting a scan of Chaor in Fear Valley, but upon arrival, they find Ulmar, who is bent on getting revenge on Xaerv and a group of OverWorlders who had stolen BattleGear from him. After defeating CodeMaster Crellan in a one-on-one match, CodeMaster Crellan provides MajorTom the Super Scanner, which would be capable of projecting scanned Creatures as holograms. MajorTom is challenged to a CodeMaster Match against CodeMaster Crellan, despite having not yet one another seven matches in the Crellan Drome since their last match.